A teenager charged in the deaths of two Ottawa broth­ers appeared in court Tues­day after­noon and plead not guilty.

17 year old Michael Fay was in Put­nam County Juve­nile Court for an ini­tial hear­ing on two counts of aggra­vated mur­der. Fay is alleged to have caused the deaths of broth­ers 17 year old Blake and 14 year old Blaine Romes on May 9.

The Toledo Blade reported that both teens had a sin­gle gun­shot wound and that one of the boys was stran­gled.

Offi­cials have declined to release more details while the case remains under inves­ti­ga­tion.

Fay also faces a charge of grand theft auto which he also pleaded not guilty to on May 10.

Fol­low­ing Tuesday’s hear­ing, Fay was remanded to the cus­tody of the Put­nam County Sheriff’s Office.

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