November elections certified

The Williams County Board of Elec­tions has cer­ti­fied the gen­eral elec­tion results from early Novem­ber. No races were changed, and none will be sub­ject to an auto­matic recount. The results became final after tab­u­lat­ing the pro­vi­sional and absen­tee bal­lots, about 175 total. The Board says 32 bal­lots were dis­qual­i­fied for var­i­ous rea­sons, includ­ing not being a reg­is­tered voter, fail­ing to meet a dead­line or cast­ing a bal­lot in the wrong precinct. All of Ohio’s coun­ties must deliver their results to the state by Decem­ber first. The Board’s next monthly meet­ing is set for Tues­day, Decem­ber 22nd at 4 p.m.

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