North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege recently inducted the first mem­bers into the Alpha Delta Chap­ter of the Alpha Delta Nu Nurs­ing Honor Soci­ety. Eleven stu­dents joined the new national honor soci­ety for asso­ciate degree reg­is­tered nurses.

Among the stu­dents inducted were, from Williams County.. Kelly Woodring of Bryan; from Defi­ance County, Tamar Lomeli, Angela Lott, Kristina Skel­don, and Bethany Stork, all of Defi­ance.

From Ful­ton County, the inductees included Chris­tine Cox of Arch­bold, Aaron Har­mon of Delta, Jes­sica Hoff­man and Jodi Kear­ney of Wauseon.

In order to qual­ify, stu­dents must main­tain a min­i­mum 3.0 grade point aver­age, with at least a B in all nurs­ing classes. Stu­dents are required to con­duct edu­ca­tional or recruit­ment projects as well.

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