NSCC To Share In $2.5 Million Grant

The U.S. Depart­ment of Labor recently awarded Trade Adjust­ment Assis­tance Com­mu­nity Col­lege and Career Train­ing grants to sixty-six com­mu­nity col­leges across the nation. Five of those grantees are in Ohio, with North­west State Com­mu­nity Col­lege receiv­ing just under $2.5 mil­lion. NSCC will use the fund­ing to enhance cur­ricu­lum in sev­eral of its advanced man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­grams.

The grant will take four years to imple­ment and eval­u­ate, but accord­ing to the school, stu­dents will start to see some changes within the next year. Best prac­tices will be shared with the Depart­ment of Labor and could be put into prac­tice statewide and even nation­wide.

Tech­nol­ogy upgrades, namely a “com­puter farm,” will lead the way for other cur­ricu­lum improve­ments. The com­puter farm will house appli­ca­tions and soft­ware that stu­dents can access from nearly any device.

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