Ohio Jobless Numbers Released

The jobs report for Williams County is look­ing bright. In fact, the unem­ploy­ment rate fell in every Ohio county in April, includ­ing here in Williams County, where it dropped one full per­cent­age point, to 4.1 per­cent, its low­est level since May 2001. Accord­ing to the num­bers released on Thurs­day, Williams County ranks 64th out of 88 coun­ties in the state for its unem­ploy­ment rate. In Henry County, the num­bers were even more dra­matic. The job­less rate in Henry County dropped from 7.7 per­cent in March, to 5.9 per­cent in April. Nev­er­the­less, Henry County’s unem­ploy­ment rate is still the high­est in our region. Here are the num­bers, as released yes­ter­day…

• Williams: 4.1, down from 5.1 in March.

• Defi­ance: 4.6, down from 5.5 in March.

• Ful­ton: 4.7, down from 6.3 in March.

• Henry: 5.9, down from 7.7 in March.

The statewide unem­ploy­ment rate stood at 4.6 for the month of April. It was 5.4 in March and 5.2 in April last year.

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