An Ohio woman found not guilty by rea­son of insan­ity in the bath­tub drown­ing deaths of her two chil­dren has been granted con­di­tional release from a men­tal treat­ment facil­ity.

A judge in Cincin­nati on Wednes­day granted 35-year-old Brid­get Sto­vall the con­di­tional release to a group home and ordered mon­i­tor­ing for con­tin­ued use of her med­ica­tion as a con­di­tion of that release.

Sto­vall believed she was exor­cis­ing the devil from her 20-month-old son and 4-year-old daugh­ter and didn’t real­ize her actions were wrong when she drowned them in 2001.

She ini­tially faced two counts of aggra­vated mur­der in a poten­tial death penalty case. A three-judge panel found her not guilty by rea­son of insan­ity in July 2002.

Med­ical experts said Sto­vall suf­fered from para­noid delu­sions and hallucinations.

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