Ohio Labor Day Fatalities Down

The State High­way Patrol reports Labor Week­end fatal­i­ties were down this past hol­i­day, with arrests for dri­ving impaired and drugs up. Dur­ing the period of August 29 through Sep­tem­ber first, 11 peo­ple died on Oho road­ways, com­pared to 16 the year before. 804 peo­ple were arrested for OVI, up 4.3% from the pre­vi­ous year. Safety belt enforce­ment tick­ets were up 9.6%, and drug arrests increased 31% com­pared with the same period in 2013. They take some credit for hav­ing sat­u­ra­tion patrols out all over the state to keep dri­vers warned they were watch­ing. There were 35 thou­sand vehi­cles stopped dur­ing which a cita­tion was issued.

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Mary Louise (Moor) Flynn, 95

Mary L. Flynn, 95, of Bryan and formerly of Montpelier passed away on Sunday, January …