Ohio Parole Board Reject Plea from Former Coin Dealer

The Ohio Parole Board voted unan­i­mously to rec­om­mend that the gov­er­nor reject a plea for clemency from 61-year-old for­mer coin dealer Tom Noe. Noe was con­victed in 2006 for theft of any­where from $13 mil­lion to $50 mil­lion in rare-coin invest­ment funds. Should Gov. John Kasich agree with the board, Noe would have to wait two more years before his next request, though there is no dead­line for Kasich to make a deci­sion. Noe still has more than 11 years remain­ing of an 18-year sen­tence at the Hock­ing Cor­rec­tional Insti­tute in south­ern Ohio.

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