The sev­enth annual Olde Tyme Gath­er­ing returns to Mont­pe­lier tomor­row.

The main event is the parade which will be held at 6 p.m.

A crafts and gift show will be at the school audi­te­ria from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Author Bobbi Schlosser will be sign­ing her book, “Pil­grim,” at the library at 11 a.m.

There’s a wreath mak­ing class at 11:30.

Down­town shops and restau­rants will be open all day tomor­row to kick off the hol­i­day sea­son and offer shop­pers some great home­town val­ues and ser­vice.

Right after the parade, you won’t want to miss the Christ­mas tree light­ing cer­e­mony and a chance for the kids to meet Santa.

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