One Dead In Multi-Vehicle Pileup

A Ontario man was killed in a fiery crash Mon­day morn­ing just east of Napoleon. 63 year old Djordie Miha­jlo of Win­dosor, Ontario, died when his semi went up in flames fol­low­ing a col­li­sion involv­ing four vehi­cles on U.S. 24 in Henry County. The truck dri­ven by Miha­jlo struck the rear of a semi dri­ven by Don­ald Beard of Muncie, Indi­ana, that had been stopped in traf­fic, wait­ing for a train to cross. The momen­tum of the col­li­sion caused Beard’s semi to then strike the rear of an SUV dri­ven by 41 year old Allan Glad­ieux, of Arch­bold, which then struck the rear of another semi dri­ven by 73 year old William Rawl­ings of Lyons. Galdieux was taken to Henry County Hos­pi­tal in Napoleon. Rawl­ings and Beard were not injured. The crash remains under investigation.

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