It’s still unknown if alco­hol played a part in a fatal crash in Ful­ton Town­ship over the week­end.

The Ohio High­way Patrol is inves­ti­gat­ing the acci­dent that hap­pened around 2 a.m. Sun­day on Ful­ton County Road J.

Police say a Ford F-150 dri­ven by 23 year old Nathan Par­sons of Delta, ran off the road and flipped over in a field. Par­sons was thrown from the vehi­cle and pro­nounced dead at the scene.

Three pas­sen­gers were also injured. 23 year old Aaron Betz of Delta, 21 year old Pagie Macken­zie Simon of Meta­mora were also tossed from the vehi­cle and both sus­tained severe injuries.

22 year old Ash­ley Herr of Meta­mora was treated for minor injuries.

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