Organ Donation Awareness Event Set

A fam­ily in Williams County has made a goal of rais­ing aware­ness for organ dona­tion.

The Cres­cent News reports that Kim and Kevin Oxen­der lost their 20-year-old son, Kaleb McLaugh­lin, on June 24 last year when the vehi­cle in which he was a pas­sen­ger ran into a util­ity pole in Pio­neer.

Because he was a des­ig­nated organ donor, he helped more than 200 peo­ple with the trans­plan­ta­tion of his tis­sues.

To con­tinue to raise aware­ness of organ dona­tion, friends and fam­ily mem­bers have orga­nized the Kaleb McLaugh­lin Memo­r­ial Ride and Organ, Eye & Tis­sue Dona­tion Aware­ness Day. The ride is hosted by Fire and Iron Sta­tion 84 Motor­cy­cle Club. This year, it will begin on Sat­ur­day, July 26 at the Pio­neer Amer­i­can Legion Post 307.

There will be a motor­cy­cle ride, a silent auc­tion and a corn­hole tour­na­ment. The Donate Life Mobile Edu­ca­tional vehi­cle is com­ing and the Red Cross will be there doing a blood drive in Kaleb’s mem­ory too.

The cost to par­tic­i­pate is $15 for a sin­gle motor­cy­cle rider and $5 for a pas­sen­ger.

Musi­cal enter­tain­ment will be pro­vided through­out the day, there will be a 50/50 draw­ing as well as other draw­ings. Food will be served by North Cen­tral Local School’s FFA orga­ni­za­tion for a free-will dona­tion.

For more infor­ma­tion, go to

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