OSHA Fines Several Companies

Two com­pa­nies were fined after safety vio­la­tions were found dur­ing inspec­tions at a man­u­fac­tur­ing plant in Erie County and a grain stor­age site in Ful­ton County.

Kyk­los Bear­ing Inter­na­tional LLC of San­dusky, which pro­duces ball bear­ings for the auto indus­try, was fined $65,000 for safety vio­la­tions related to employ­ees exposed to asbestos while work­ing on a boiler.

Ger­ald Grain Cen­ter Inc. of Napoleon was fined $19,530 and cited for eight seri­ous vio­la­tions and one other-than-serious vio­la­tion after OSHA inspec­tors encoun­tered poten­tial elec­tri­cal safety haz­ards for employ­ees involved in chang­ing elec­tri­cal fuses.

The com­pa­nies can con­test the find­ings, request a meet­ing with OSHA offi­cials, or just pay the fine.

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