Ottawa Man Killed In Crash

A man from Ottawa was killed in a Fri­day evening crash. 34 year old Brett Varner died when his vehi­cle crashed into the river near Cloverdale. His body wasn’t dis­cov­ered until about 8am Sat­ur­day, when a pass­ing dri­ver noticed the sub­merged car. So far, it appears that Varner was dri­ving his Pon­tiac Grand Prix as an unsafe speed, when he missed a curve, hit a ditch, then went air­borne, land­ing in a field, hit­ting a small hill, going air­borne a sec­ond time for about 120 feet, then jump­ing the river, hit­ting the bank on the other side, before finally slid­ing down into the water. Accord­ing to inves­ti­ga­tors, Varner was not wear­ing his seat­belt, and alco­hol is believed to be a fac­tor in the crash.

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