Four out­go­ing mem­bers of Stryker Vil­lage Coun­cil were thanked at Monday’s vil­lage coun­cil meet­ing and rec­og­nized for their years of ser­vice.

The Bryan Times reports that Joan Ruf­fer was hon­ored for hav­ing given 30 years of ser­vice to the com­mu­nity, Tom Hor­ton with 17, Carol Fee­han with 16 and Dan Boetz with 9 years ser­vice.

Each received small tokens of appre­ci­a­tion

In other busi­ness yes­ter­day, Stryker joined with other Williams County vil­lages and voted to approve an ordi­nance pro­hibit­ing the man­u­fac­ture, sales, dis­tri­b­u­tion and pos­ses­sion of syn­thetic drugs and syn­thetic drug looka­likes.

That ordi­nance can be viewed in its entirety at the vil­lage hall.

Coun­cil also approved a res­o­lu­tion autho­riz­ing the vil­lage admin­is­tra­tor to renew a lease agree­ment for agri­cul­tural land owned by the vil­lage.

Coun­cil then went into exec­u­tive ses­sion for an hour to dis­cuss com­pen­sa­tion of personnel.

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