The Defi­ance Lions Club’s 68th annual Hal­loween parade is set for Oct. 26, with the pro­ces­sion kick­ing off at 7 p.m. from Tri­an­gle Park.

This year’s grand mar­shal will be Har­riet Steel, RN, com­mu­nity health coor­di­na­tor with the Defi­ance County Health Depart­ment.

Thou­sands of north­west Ohio res­i­dents will line Clin­ton Street to watch the parade fea­tur­ing com­mer­cial and non-profit floats, hun­dreds of cos­tumed mum­mers, antique and clas­sic vehi­cles and approx­i­mately nine high school and junior high bands. Mak­ing a return this year will be the Bud Wid­mer Rube Band, under the direc­tion of Bryan res­i­dent Marv Blan­chard.

Those wish­ing to par­tic­i­pate in the parade can begin lin­ing up late after­noon start­ing at Tri­an­gle Park, as well as along South Clin­ton and Ara­bella streets and Don Miller Drive, located behind the Defi­ance Mid­dle School.

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