Pastor in Henry County wanted for alleged sex crimes

A Henry County pas­tor is in jail for sus­pected sex crimes. He is wanted in Missouri.

Robert Azinger was arrested Thurs­day by the Henry County Sheriff’s Office on a “fugi­tive from jus­tice” charge, and was arraigned Fri­day in Napoleon Munic­i­pal Court. He is being held at CCNO on a $100,000 bond.

Azinger is the pas­tor of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Florida, OH, just west of Napoleon.

He waived extra­di­tion while appear­ing in munic­i­pal court on Mon­day. Author­i­ties from Scott City, Mis­souri now have 30 days to return him to Mis­souri to face charges.

Napoleon Munic­i­pal Court says Azinger is charged in Scott City with one count of first-degree statu­tory rape, five counts of second-degree statu­tory rape, and four counts of first-degree statu­tory sodomy.

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