Weekend arrests

Two peo­ple were arrested over the week­end by Williams County Sher­iffs Deputies.

33-year-old Michael Joyce of Toledo was charged with assault after an inci­dent that occured while Joyce was incar­cer­ated at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.

26-year-old David Pollino II of Lima was charged with oper­at­ing a vehi­cle while under the influ­ence of alco­hol, pos­ses­sion of drug para­phena­lia, and drug pos­ses­sion as the result of an inci­dent on US127 South of County Road F. Pollino was taken to CCNO.

One weather-related crash resulted in a cita­tion for Rus­sell Beaty, 54, of Mont­pe­lier. Deputies cited him for fail­ure to con­trol fol­low­ing a Sat­ur­day night acci­dent on State Route 15 just south of US 20.

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