Paulding man arraigned for armed robbery

A Pauld­ing man charged with rob­beries in two local coun­ties was arraigned Mon­day in Defi­ance County Com­mon Pleas Court. 26-year-old John Gos­nell pleaded not guilty to aggra­vated rob­bery, a first-degree felony with a firearm spec­i­fi­ca­tion. A pre­trial hear­ing was sched­uled for Jan. 7. Gos­nell allegedly robbed Defiance’s Speed­way store, 1802 N. Clin­ton St., with a hand­gun on Nov. 14, mak­ing off on foot with cash. He is being held in the Put­nam County Jail on an aggra­vated rob­bery charge in Pauld­ing County where he allegedly robbed a gas sta­tion at gun­point on Nov. 12.

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