North­west Ohio Wind Energy rep­re­sen­ta­tives on Tues­day, dis­cussed the company’s pro­posed 100-megawatt / $170 Mil­lion wind farm to be located in Pauld­ing County.

Offi­cials with National Wind, the com­pany which will develop the project, told those attend­ing the meet­ing which was held at Wayne Trace High School, that all per­mits and appli­ca­tions for the wind farm were writ­ten to allow up to 100 tur­bines.

Mean­while, the com­pany is still work­ing with the Ohio Power Sit­ing Board on a sit­ing cer­tifi­cate, and they still need to get con­struc­tion per­mits, all of which they expect to have in hand within the next sev­eral months.

North­west Ohio Wind Energy says that 75–100 land leases already have been signed for about 12,500 acres which will be involved in the project.

They plan to begin con­struc­tion before the end of this year, and if all goes as planned, the wind farm should be oper­at­ing by next summer.

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