Phone Outage Reported

A phone out­age that affected much of north­ern Indi­ana includ­ing Steuben County on Mon­day morn­ing is now being blamed on human error.

Accord­ing to Fron­tier Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, a mis­take while pro­gram­ming some cir­cuits dur­ing rou­tine main­te­nance was behind the out­age which affected 9–1-1 lines, leav­ing fire­fight­ers through­out Steuben County stand­ing by at their sta­tions to han­dle any emer­gen­cies.

Fron­tier found and fixed the prob­lem, which only affected land lines, within about an hour.

Cell phones were still able to access 9–1-1 the whole time.

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