Williams County Humane Soci­ety Offi­cers responded to an unusual call Mon­day morn­ing.

A report came in that a pig fell out of a semi-trailer.

The 450-pound sow was found near Mont­pe­lier. The Bryan Times reports that the pig wasn’t tagged, but it did have ear notches.

A per­son who wit­nessed it, said the sow fell out of a short trailer at 60 miles per hour.

A vet­eri­nar­ian eval­u­ated the sow and said although she will be stiff for a while, she should be just fine.

Folks from the Humane Soci­ety think she’s a belted Hamp­shire, one of the old­est early-American breed of hogs in exis­tence today.

The Williams County Humane Soci­ety is accept­ing mon­e­tary dona­tions as well as bails of straw to help care for the pig. For more infor­ma­tion on how to help, con­tact the shel­ter at 419–636-2200.

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