Pitbull rescue facing criminal charges

In Ful­ton County, mem­bers of a Syl­va­nia Town­ship pit bull res­cue group are fac­ing mis­de­meanor charges in West­ern Dis­trict Court. The case cen­ters around a pit bull that allegedly bit his owner result­ing in minor injuries. The pit bull res­cue crew picked up the dog named Bosco and quar­an­tined him. How­ever, the Sheriff’s Office says the group resisted a chance to take him to the county pound so the Sheriff’s depart­ment seized the dog with a war­rant in Decem­ber. Accord­ing to court doc­u­ments the charges are against the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Jean Keat­ing of Syl­va­nia and two vol­un­teers; Kevin Bauer of Pike Town­ship and Andrea Wal­ters of Swan­creek Town­ship. They are fac­ing second-degree mis­de­meanor charge of obstruct­ing offi­cial busi­ness and vio­lat­ing a rabies quar­an­tine, a minor mis­de­meanor. Hear­ings are set for next month.

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