Plane Crash Victims Identified

Those killed in last week’s plane crash in Pauld­ing County have been iden­ti­fied. Pauld­ing County Coro­ner Dr. Joseph Kuhn says the three peo­ple who died are 59 year old Dr. Michael McCarty; 65 year old Wayne Weiss; and Weiss’ wife, 62 year old Rose­lee Weiss… all from Grand Islan, Nebraska.

The three died when that small plane, reg­is­tered to Ortho­pe­dics Avi­a­tion Ser­vices, went down Thurs­day near the inter­sec­tion of Road 137 & Road 60 in Latty Town­ship.

So far, inves­ti­ga­tors have learned that McCarty was trav­el­ing to New Jer­sey to visit a daugh­ter, and Weiss’, who were long­time friends of the Doc­tor, wear rid­ing along while vaca­tion­ing. Both men were report­edly long­time friends and they both were said to be expe­ri­enced pilots too.

Inves­ti­ga­tors with the FAA and NTSB con­tinue to clean up the crash site, in an effort to fig­ure out just what actu­ally went wrong.

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