A poker run and a hog roast will be held at the Defi­ance AMVETS Post 1991 next Sat­ur­day, May 11 to ben­e­fit 10-month-old Nycholaas McConnell.

McConnell is the infant who lost his par­ents, Ash­ley Jenk­ins and Sebas­t­ian McConnell, in a house fire in Bryan at the begin­ning of the year. He was not injured in the fire, and is now liv­ing with his great-grandmother in the Toledo area.

Fam­ily mem­bers hope the ben­e­fit raises enough funds to help pay for col­lege and other future expenses for the child.

The poker run will start at 10:30 next Sat­ur­day morn­ing with the first bike out at noon. The last bike is in at 5 p.m. The meal will be served at 5 p.m. and will include a hog roast or chicken din­ner with side dishes. Cost of an indi­vid­ual meal ticket is $5. There will be 50/50 draw­ings and a raf­fle with lots of items.

For more infor­ma­tion, call 419–579-0279.

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