Police: Former Paulding residents killed by woman’s son in Florida

Two for­mer Pauld­ing res­i­dents were killed last week­end in a shoot­ing in Florida. The vic­tims were 47-year-old Kevin McGrath, Sr. and 42-year-old Shanna McGrath, his wife. Their bod­ies were found Sat­ur­day morn­ing in Crestview. The woman’s son, 22-year-old Jacob Langston has been charged with their mur­ders. He was shot in the arm and shoul­der dur­ing the shootout with Kevin McGrath. Police aren’t clear what the cir­cum­stances were. A third vic­tim was found dead out­side the home, he’s thought to be the boyfriend of a girl the sus­pect Langston used to date.

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