Pool Problems Plague Defiance

Defiance’s Kings­bury Pool is leak­ing, but repairs will have to wait untiil after the sum­mer sea­son. The leak was detected last week while the pool was being filled, when the water level dropped three inches over just a 16-hour period. The leak is sus­pected on a 10-inch drain line that con­nects to a surge tank and the pool’s fil­ter build­ing as part of the cir­cu­la­tion process. The pool opened Sat­ur­day, and will remain in ser­vice through the sum­mer unless things worsen accord­ing to city offi­cials. No esti­mates are yet avail­able as to what it will cost to fix the pool, but offi­cials say they plan to keep it open all sum­mer if at all pos­si­ble, because repairs now would require it to be closed for a good part of the sum­mer. Mean­while, the city must keep pump­ing more water into the pool.

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