“Pot Bus” Shows Up In Bryan

An unusual vis­i­tor showed up on Wednes­day in Bryan. The Green Rush Bus Tour, spon­sored by Respon­si­ble Ohio was in town yes­ter­day. The group is pro-marijuana, and they are behind a pro­posed state con­sti­tu­tional amend­ment ques­tion which will appear on the Novem­ber bal­lot. If passed, “Issue-3″ as it will appear on the bal­lot, would allow med­ical mar­i­juana use, and recre­ational use for any­one over the age of 21. There would be lim­its… users would be lim­ited to up to one ounce per day, and a limit of four cul­ti­vated pot plants. The bus tour is mak­ing it’s way through all 88 coun­ties in Ohio, spread­ing the word that after years of failed pro­hi­bi­tion, in which hun­dreds of mil­lions of dol­lars have been spent, it’s time for a change. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, Haley Phillippi, the per­son who showed up in Bryan with the bus yes­ter­day, claims that legal­iz­ing pot here in Ohio would cre­ate as many as 10,000 new jobs. The clos­est state reg­u­lated grow­ing facil­ity to our area would be in Lucas County.

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