Pro-Tec Coat­ing Com­pany in Leip­sic, on Mon­day unveiled its $400 mil­lion, 415,000-square-foot expan­sion project which employs 80 peo­ple.

Pro-Tec coats and treats sheet steel for cars. Its cus­tomers include all major automak­ers and some auto-related com­pa­nies in Ohio and sur­round­ing states

Pro-Tec employs 317 total, includ­ing the 80 new employ­ees. More jobs could be added at some point.

The 80 new Pro-Tec jobs have aver­age hourly wages of $20.50, plus $12 per hour in ben­e­fits.

The state Tax Credit Author­ity approved a $681,694, 10-year pay­roll tax credit for cre­ation of the 80 jobs. The state also approved a $1 mil­lion grant for road widen­ing and $500,000 for machin­ery and equipment.

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