Three peo­ple from the area have been named as defen­dants in a law­suit alleg­ing vio­la­tions of Ohio’s char­i­ta­ble and secu­ri­ties laws in con­nec­tion with an inter­na­tional pyra­mid scheme that was recently shut down by fed­eral and inter­na­tional author­i­ties.

On Tues­day, the Ohio Attor­ney Gen­eral and the Ohio Depart­ment of Com­merce announced a joint law­suit and restrain­ing order against Nancy Jo Frazer and her hus­band, David Frazer; Albert Rose­brock of Sher­wood; and their char­ity, Defin­ing Vision Min­istries which was for­merly known as Focus Up Min­istries, Inc.

The suit, filed in Williams County Court fol­lows find­ings against the three who were allegedly involved in the inter­na­tional pyra­mid scheme, Prof­itable Sun­rise.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the three defen­dants used funds donated to Focus Up Min­istries for per­sonal expenses and other unlaw­ful pur­poses, includ­ing financ­ing for per­sonal busi­ness ven­tures, the pur­chase of a big screen tele­vi­sion, no-interest per­sonal loans, and com­pen­sa­tion for agents who solicited on behalf of the Prof­itable Sun­rise pyra­mid scheme.

The suit, accord­ing to the Times, also claims that Prof­itable Sun­rise is not the first scheme Nancy Frazer has been a part of. She was pre­vi­ously involved with Ad Surf Daily, a multi-level mar­ket­ing com­pany out of Florida, whose founder pled guilty to wire fraud in May 2012.

She cur­rently is involved in Strong­brook Direct, and her posi­tion was allegedly pur­chased with funds donated to Focus Up Min­istries.

Doc­u­ments also indi­cate Rose­brock has been affil­i­ated with Ad Surf Daily and Zeek Rewards in the past.

Nancy’s hus­band David is the trea­surer of Focus Up Min­istries and was the branch man­ager, until April 2013, of Bryan’s Hunt­ing­ton Bank. It is alleged he used his posi­tion at the bank to facil­i­tate the scheme, open­ing the Focus Up Min­istries account and mak­ing at least one wire trans­fer asso­ci­ated with Prof­itable Sunrise.

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