A recent cruise-in held by Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter fea­tured a good turnout of clas­sic cars

Bill Priest, direc­tor of mar­ket­ing, said dur­ing Tuesday’s meet­ing that he was pleased with the turnout at the cruise-in.

He reported that there were 26 dri­vers who reg­is­tered, and many of the peo­ple Quadco serves got their pic­ture taken next to one of the clas­sic vehi­cles. All report­edly enjoyed walk­ing around the Stryker school park­ing lot along with other peo­ple from the com­mu­nity to see the vin­tage cars.

Quadco is con­tin­u­ously expand­ing and offer­ing more oppor­tu­ni­ties in places like SUBWAY® restau­rants, and now they have a per­son doing job devel­op­ment who has been assist­ing peo­ple with find­ing jobs.

Quadco has also recently begun to pro­vide some res­i­den­tial ser­vices to people.

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