Quadco Considering Mission Statement Revision

Quadco Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter board mem­bers will be con­sid­er­ing the revi­sion of their mis­sion state­ment for the cen­ter as well as other short term and long term issues as they head into plan­ning ses­sions in the months ahead.

At the meet­ing of the board on Tues­day, the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor said he felt the board mem­bers should con­sider revis­ing the present mis­sion state­ment, say­ing the trend is to go with broader state­ments.

A list of mis­sion state­ments from 50 well-known non-profit orga­ni­za­tions was dis­trib­uted to board mem­bers. Each of those state­ments gen­er­ally ran from 6 to 15 words.

The rea­son??? More con­cise state­ments are eas­ier to remem­ber.

The board mem­bers will con­sider the mis­sion state­ment and other short term and long term issues as they hold their annual plan­ning ses­sion at their meet­ing in March.

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