Mem­bers of Quadco’s Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit Boards, at their meet­ing on Tues­day, voted to renew the con­tract of the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor for 5 years, mak­ing it retroac­tive to Jan­u­ary 1 of this year. The con­tract does not, how­ever, call for an increase in salary.

Board mem­bers heard from Chris Tom­lin­son of Bryan, who said he likes the NASCAR Club that meets at Quadco’s North­west Prod­ucts pro­gram and thought it would be a good idea for Quadco to have its own cruise-in at Stryker.

Shan­non Zellers, who was recently pro­moted as a Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor at the Stryker build­ing, is presently par­tic­i­pat­ing in a statewide train­ing pro­gram called, “The Good Life.” She said the pro­gram is an intense train­ing that involves 16 weeks of ses­sions. The train­ing involves pro­vid­ing a good life and devel­op­ing suc­cess plan­ning for the peo­ple being served.

After Zellers com­pletes the train­ing, she says there will be train­ings held for staff mem­bers at Quadco.

The next Quadco board meet­ing will be held on May 28 in the Con­fer­ence Room at Quadco’s Stryker building.

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