Quado Planning Programs

Quadco exec­u­tives began annual plan­ning with the mem­bers of the Admin­is­tra­tive and Non-Profit Boards on Tues­day.

There are now 15 peo­ple in the train­ing pro­gram work­ing along­side other employ­ees at Quadco’s Stryker Sub­way and the Bryan and Defi­ance Sub­ways located in the Wal­mart stores.

They are learn­ing to do the var­i­ous jobs at the restau­rant and must meet the same stan­dards as every other worker.

Quadco’s employ­ment ser­vice recently assisted three peo­ple with get­ting jobs at area restau­rants, another at a local church and another to work as a farm hand.

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