Rear End Collision On I-69 Results In Citations

A mas­sive back up on south­bound I-69 from an acci­dent that involved three semis led to another crash which injured a Water­loo woman on Tues­day morn­ing. 29-year-old Laneigh Brun­ing was trav­el­ing south just after 7:00am yes­ter­day, when she didn’t notice that vehi­cles were slow­ing down or stopped in front of her. Bruning’s vehi­cle slammed into the back of another car, dri­ven by 22-year-old Ash­ley Page of Cam­den, Michi­gan.
Bruning’s vehi­cle then crossed the median and rolled over at least once before enter­ing the north­bound lanes of I-69, where it finally landed on all four tires. Brun­ing was taken to Parkview Regional Med­ical Cen­ter. Two chil­dren in her vehi­cle were restrained and were not hurt, but they were taken to Parkview to be eval­u­ated. Brun­ing was cited for fol­low­ing to closely and fail­ure to main­tain proof of finan­cial responsibility.

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