Recovery Services Gets Accreditation

Recov­ery Ser­vices of North­west Ohio has earned a renewal of its three-year CARF accred­i­ta­tion

for all of its loca­tions, pro­grams and ser­vices. The men­tal health and addic­tion ser­vices agency has

main­tained CARF accred­i­ta­tion since 2004.

Accord­ing to CARF Inter­na­tional, this accred­i­ta­tion rep­re­sents the high­est level of accred­i­ta­tion

that can be awarded to an orga­ni­za­tion and shows the organization’s sub­stan­tial con­for­mance to the

CARF stan­dards.

CARF is an inde­pen­dent, non­profit accred­it­ing body whose mis­sion is to pro­mote the qual­ity,

value and opti­mal out­comes of ser­vices through a con­sul­ta­tive accred­i­ta­tion process that cen­ters on

enhanc­ing the lives of the per­sons served. Founded in 1966 as the Com­mis­sion on Accred­i­ta­tion of

Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Facil­i­ties (CARF), the accred­it­ing body estab­lishes consumer-focused stan­dards to help

orga­ni­za­tions mea­sure and improve the qual­ity of their pro­grams and ser­vices.

Recov­ery Ser­vices has out­pa­tient offices in Defi­ance, Bryan, Napoleon, and Wauseon

For more infor­ma­tion on the ser­vices that the agency pro­vides, call 419–782-9920.

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