Recycling Problems Noted In Bryan

It’s not even close to what they were orig­i­nally intended for… Bryan offi­cials are upset that the city’s red recy­cling bins are not being used for the pur­pose they were put there for. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, pet waste, dirty dia­pers and used syringes are just some of the non-recyclable items being tossed into the con­tain­ers. Work­ers at the recy­cling cen­ter dump out the tubs each day in order to sort through the items. They say each day about half of the con­tents are non-recyclable trash mate­ri­als. Amaz­ingly, some things like vinyl sid­ing, shin­gles and even toi­lets and tele­vi­sions have shown up in the tubs. City offi­cials say the per­cent­age of recy­clable mate­ri­als placed in the res­i­den­tial recy­cling bins isn’t much bet­ter, claim­ing that on any given day, as much as 25 per­cent to a third of any recy­cling truck is actu­ally filled with just trash. Now, city lead­ers want to change those sta­tis­tics. They say much of the prob­lem may come from those who don’t under­stand what is recy­clable and what is not. Any­one with ques­tions should con­tact the Bryan Recy­cling Cen­ter at 419–636-3382 or the Street Depart­ment at 419–636-8547.

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