Relay For Life This Weekend At Paulding Fairgrounds

The Relay for Life of Pauld­ing County is being held at the Pauld­ing County Fair­grounds today and Sat­ur­day. It’s a major fundraiser for the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety, with all the pro­ceeds going toward patient assis­tance and can­cer research. This year, a car show, along with a lot of activ­i­ties for kids, will also be a part of it. Included will also be a silent auc­tion. The relay begins tonight at 6 with can­cer sur­vivors walk­ing on the first lap. Then, it con­tin­ues through the evening with mem­bers of the 21 teams tak­ing their turns on the track. On the fair­grounds there will be many activ­i­ties for chil­dren includ­ing photo booths. For the adults, there will be raf­fles, a silent auc­tion, and ven­dors sell­ing hand­made items, along with a vari­ety of food, like sand­wiches, pizza, and deli­cious desserts. On Sat­ur­day morn­ing, there will be a car show from 8–11, with free admis­sion. The whole thing wraps up tomor­row at noon. The goal this year is to raise $93,000.

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