Final num­bers are in and they look pretty impres­sive.

The seven Relay for Life events held in six north­west Ohio coun­ties in June, Defi­ance, Henry, Pauld­ing, Put­nam, Williams and Ful­ton, with the Vil­lage of Hicksville in Defi­ance County, hold­ing its own relay, raised a total of $942,390 for 2013.

The Relays for Life are spon­sored by the Amer­i­can Can­cer Soci­ety, with funds raised going toward assist­ing those who are fight­ing can­cer, can­cer research and edu­ca­tion.

The total of the goals each county had was $892,000.

In addi­tion to more than $940,000 being raised in the relays, two coun­ties — Henry and Williams — have also received national awards for the amount of funds they raised.

It marked the first time the Williams County relay received a national award — No. 3 Relay for Life, per capita, in the nation, for exceed­ing its goal of $157,000.

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