It’s been almost 40 years since a “wolf­man” was reported to be run­ning around loose in Defi­ance.

Since then, the wolf­man or were­wolf of Defi­ance has got­ten a lot of atten­tion, which has now increased in the Inter­net age.

A search of wolf­man and Defi­ance, Ohio, pulls up many pages.

The first report was on Aug. 2, 1972, when police said on three occa­sions, indi­vid­u­als were accosted near the Nor­folk and West­ern rail­road tracks. One man was hit with a 2– by 4 and two oth­ers were attacked within a two-week period.

All described their attacker as tall, very slim, and with an ani­mal head.

The attacks all occurred from 1:30–4:30 a.m. on days with­out a full moon.

The reports only lasted a few weeks. No one was ever arrested.

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