Rig driver hurt in crash

A Sher­wood woman was hurt when her rig flipped over. It hap­pened mon­day. Police say 55 year old Denise Mor­gan of 105 East Maple Street was trav­el­ing north­bound on Ohio 49 near Beer Bower Road when her vehi­cle left the road and she tried to get it back on the pave­ment. Poil­ice say she over cor­rected and the truck flipped. She had to be cut ouf of the cab. Also, she was haul­ing a load of sheet steel and it took sev­eral hours for the rig and the debris to be cleared form the road­way. No word on charges in the crash. She was flown to Parkview Hosp­tial in Fort Wayne. The natiure of her injuries is unknown.

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