Williams County native and Vil­lage of Mont­pe­lier Coun­cil Mem­ber Jason Rockey has announced his can­di­dacy for State Rep­re­sen­ti­tive of Ohio’s 81st house dis­trict, cov­er­ing Williams, Henry, Put­nam, and parts of Ful­ton Coun­ties.

Rockey has served as a mem­ber of Montpelier’s coun­cil for six years and has been an active mem­ber of the Williams County Repub­li­can Cen­tral Com­mit­tee for eight years.

The 39 year old Rockey lives in Mont­pe­lier with his wife Patti, who was recently elected as Williams County Recorder, and their three chil­dren.

Rockey has been an employee of the Ohio Gas Com­pany in Bryan for 16 years and he is also a sales agent for Wil­son Auc­tion and Realty Com­pany.

A 1996 grad­u­ate of the Ohio State University’s School of Jour­nal­ism, Rockey spe­cial­ized in Pub­lic Rela­tions and minored in Polit­i­cal Science.

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