Rollover Leaves Injuries Monday Night

Two were hurt in a rollover Mon­day night on I-69 near the Pok­agon (POH-KAY-GUN) State Park exit. The crash caused the north­bound side of the inter­state to be shut down for about an hour. It hap­pened just after 7:30 last night, when a Honda Accord dri­ven by 40-year-old Tim­o­thy McFellin of Bat­tle Creek, Michi­gan, rolled mul­ti­ple times before it finally came to rest upright. McFellin was taken to Parkview Regional Med­ical Cen­ter along with a pas­sen­ger, 41-year-old Teresa Sha­dle of Fort Wayne. Another pas­sen­ger, 13-year-old Jacob McFellin, was taken to Cameron Hos­pi­tal in Angola, where he was checked out and deter­mined to be not injured. The acci­dent is under investigation.

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