Safe Ride Home Successful

Safe Ride Home on New Year’s Eve pro­vided rides for 40 peo­ple to get home safely.

Although 40 peo­ple was ten less than last year, the Safe Ride Home pro­gram kept 40 poten­tially impaired dri­vers off our road­ways on New Year’s Eve, and that’s the big story. There were no reported crash fatal­i­ties dur­ing this hol­i­day cel­e­bra­tion.

It was all an effort to cre­ate a safer com­mu­nity, and Grace Com­mu­nity Church, WBNO-WQCT Radio, along with many area busi­nesses helped pro­mote Safe Ride Home.

Orga­niz­ers also want to thank all law enforce­ment and safety per­son­nel who were out on New Year’s Eve help­ing to keep our road­ways safer. It worked!

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