Salinas Verdict Rendered

In Defi­ance County Court on Fri­day, a jury returned a split ver­dict against a woman accused of shoot­ing her estranged hus­band. 45 year old Pauletta Sali­nas of Defi­ance, was found not guilty of attempted aggra­vated mur­der, but guilty of felo­nious assault after the jury delib­er­ated for less than four hours. Sali­nas’ bail was imme­di­ately revoked, and sen­tenc­ing was set for Novem­ber 12th aat 9:30AM, but first, a pre-sentence inves­ti­ga­tion will be done. Sali­nas could face a max­i­mum of eight years behind bars for the felo­nious assault charge. Pauletta Sali­nas was accused of shoot­ing her estranged hus­band, Vin­cent Sali­nas, Jr back on July 29, 2014.

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