Salt Adequate in Williams County

The Williams County Engi­neer issued a report this week that will make offi­cials in other coun­ties envi­ous. Engi­neer Todd Roth told the Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers that the county has around a thou­sand tons of road salt stored for the upcom­ing win­ter sea­son. He says since it can be extended with a quan­tity of sand and de-icer, he feels con­fi­dent the county has enough salt to get through the win­ter sea­son. Many other coun­ties entirely out of salt in the bru­tal win­ter past and have had to pay some­times more than 200% higher prices for this winter’s sup­ply, if they can find salt at all. Last year Williams County used 3 thou­sand tons of salt but the fore­cast for this year is for a nor­mal winter.

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