Sauder Car Show This Weekend

Antique car col­lec­tors from through­out the Mid­west will be meet­ing in Arch­bold on Sat­ur­day for the annual Antique Car Gath­er­ing at Sauder Vil­lage. More than 100 antique auto­mo­biles are already reg­is­tered for this pop­u­lar spring event — offer­ing a unique view of the auto­mo­biles of days gone by. Add to that the chance to ride in and even drive an antique car, and you have the mak­ings of a fun-filled day at Sauder Vil­lage. The show requires every car to be older than 1942, but the cars at the Sauder vil­lage show will be from a much ear­lier time period, with some cars dat­ing back to the early 1900s.
From a 1922 Ford Model T truck and a 1925 Buick to a 1912 Over­land and a 1930 Model A Coupe — there will be a wide vari­ety of unique auto­mo­biles on dis­play again this year. Through­out the day guests will be able to look at the cars and visit with car own­ers. Many exhibitors plan to give demon­stra­tions and will be avail­able to answer ques­tions about these unique vehi­cles. Through­out the after­noon, guests will have an oppor­tu­nity to take a ride in an antique car and there will be a spe­cial draw­ing for one adult to win a chance to actu­ally drive a car! Activ­i­ties will take place through­out the day, weather per­mit­ting, and some are avail­able on a first come, first served basis.
For more infor­ma­tion about the Antique Car Gath­er­ing or other events planned for the 2015 sea­son at Sauder Vil­lage, call 800–590-9755, visit

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