Sauder Saturday Activities Listed

Enjoy a day filled with inspi­ra­tion and cre­ativ­ity dur­ing the annual Explore the Crafts event at Sauder Vil­lage. On Sat­ur­day, you can try your hand at pot­tery, draw­ing, embroi­dery, weav­ing, broom mak­ing, tin­smithing, print­ing and more while explor­ing the crafts at Ohio’s largest living-history des­ti­na­tion!

Some of the other hands-on activ­i­ties planned for this event include assem­bling a wooden bucket, mak­ing a tin cookie cut­ter, spin­ning, weav­ing and embroi­dery. Guests can also reg­is­ter for the oppor­tu­nity to make a glass orna­ment, flower, or pump­kin with the assis­tance of res­i­dent artist Mark Matthews. Pre-registration is required.

For more details or to reg­is­ter for this oppor­tu­nity call 800.590.9755 or visit

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