Sauder Village Family Archiving Event Saturday

Sauder Vil­lage in Arch­bold is invit­ing every­body to an event Sat­ur­day at which many ways of sav­ing fam­ily his­to­ries will be dis­cussed. It is called Pre­serv­ing Our Mem­o­ries and experts in geneal­ogy, scrap­book­ing and heir­loom preser­va­tion will instruct those who come how to pre­serve fam­ily pho­tos and doc­u­ments. Other top­ics will include record­ing dig­i­tal audio oral his­to­ries and dig­i­tiz­ing pho­tos to cre­ate an online fam­ily his­tory album. Find out more at

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