After the record break­ing cold tem­per­a­tures, shel­ters through­out the area are in need of new sup­plies. The unprece­dented cold weather brought in unprece­dented num­bers of peo­ple need­ing shel­ter and that took a toll on sup­plies that are nor­mally stocked at shel­ters.

Items needed are socks, shirts, blan­kets, and pants. Ear muffs, hats, boots, gloves, coats, scarves, and other cloth­ing items are being sought.

Shel­ter offi­cials are also ask­ing for dona­tions of toi­letries and paper prod­ucts, tooth­brushes, cof­fee, deodor­ant, and just about any­thing else folks can spare, includ­ing of course, mon­e­tary donations.

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